Welcome to the South African Experience™

People made South Africa what it is currently. Only people can make South Africa better. Legislation, regulations and politics cannot.

With 2020 hindsight let us, when we go outside again, prefer the world we find to the world we left behind.

Socially, in business, in nature, in sport and service delivery. Nature is already responding with gratitude because of less indiscriminate human interaction.

We, the people of South Africa have a rare window of opportunity during this extraordinary time to contribute, to uplift and to motivate each other. To interact with others, business to interact with their employees and clients, sportsmen and women to  interact with their teammates and especially as role models for their fans, for civil servants to interact with people whom they serve, in the same way all of these people want to be interacted with. To interact with nature in such a way so that nature can do what it does unreservedly – to give back to all humans & animals so that we can produce food, eat, work and live.

One form of contributing is the handing out of food parcels, clothing, medical and financial assistance to those who had recently lost their work, the huge numbers of existing jobless, the poor and the aged. This comes from a small number of compassionate people and businesses who can afford it (and in some instances barely afford it). There just isn`t enough money amongst this small group which already contribute out of compassion without expecting compensation and neither does Government have enough money  to keep up the aid.

Another form of contribution, possibly more important and vital now and in the long term, is to also get the poor, the jobless to contribute within their communities. Contribute in ways which does not cost money!! This group numbers over 40 million people.

In this huge group there are many who are responsible, who have self pride, who wants to describe themselves as proud South Africans. You can contribute, by giving moral support to those who need a voice of compassion, help uplift, help motivate by interacting with others in the same way you want to be interacted with. Be friendly, be courteous, help protect others against bodily harm (especially women and children) or theft and corruption by informing community leaders and Police what you see and hear.

It doesn`t cost any money to become a better person! It doesn`t cost money to help lift the morale in your community. It doesn`t cost money to mobilize the community to stand up and together against crime, corruption, violence, racism. It will definitely motivate the relative small private sector group who is giving financial aid, food parcels, clothing and all other forms of aid to try and keep on giving.  Pay them back with your compassion and responsibility.

When we go outside again, we want a better world than the world we had before lockdown.

People in this huge group can start to clean up the garbage in their communities.  Clean the streets, streams, rivers and dams being suffocated with garbage, toxic waste and stuff which kills small animals and birds, where insects pick up germs and viruses then spreading it through the communities. Normal responsible people take action to prevent personal health problems. To live in a healthy environment is also the personal responsibility of every normal person. Without the help & input of the people Government cannot give adequate services. Government did not litter or choke the streams & dams around these communities.  By cleaning your immediate environment you are saving Municipal and Government money. Money which can be used to ensure the poor & jobless receive grants, money for better housing, better healthcare.

If you expect to be paid for contributing and helping make South Africa better, making your personal environment and community live better and healthier, sit back with outstretched hands in the hope of receiving more money from Government or unreserved financial & food assistance from people & organizations giving their time, labour and money for free.

Be the South African in the Experience standing proud!

When we go outside again, we want a better world than the world we had before lockdown.

We daily in our everyday lives have experiences – most good and others not good at all.

  • To the cynical and doom prophets – the criminal, the racist, the corrupt, the reckless driver, the poacher and violator of women & children can never stand proud in any society. These people can never be part of the South African Experience™. Nor do we, the responsible proud South Africans want them in our society. You, the cynical or doom prophet can pull up your shoulders, throw your hands in the air and say “what can one do, `they` will never change“. Our question to you – are you going to keep on pulling up your shoulders and keep on enjoying your daily frustrations while watching ordinary people uniting in their daily efforts to make SA better? Making the criminal, racist, reckless driver feel marginalized from bigger society? Making them feel unwelcome in our society.

However, our good experiences by far outnumber the bad experiences.

This is what we want to mobilize every person for – the good experiences here in South Africa making you feel good.

Such as a friendly cashier in a supermarket; friendly efficient service from an employee at a Bank, cell phone company, the hairdresser, the car dealer, hotel, game parks, game lodge and B&B. ( All businesses spend vast sums of money to train their staff to ensure client retention & attract new business. Money wasted unless the staff/employees interact with clients in the same way the staff/employees want to be interacted with should they be the client.


Enjoying our nature, our wildlife, our beaches, our museums, music festivals, and many more. (Made possible by dedicated people being paid for working in those segments plus many who help and contribute without any form of compensation. )

Driving a certain make of vehicle, bicycle or motorbike or using a certain brand name cell phone, is it. (Manufacturers employ people to make these products)

Attending a sport day between schools, watching a soccer, cricket, netball or rugby match (whether between local or provincial or national teams) is the South African Experience™. The players are giving their best to their teammates and the spectators. The spectators interact with each other in the same considerate way they want to be interacted with.

A national or international convention hosted here in South Africa. The organizers and staff do their thing in such a way to ensure return business (the convention attendees are treated in the same way the organizers & staff would want to be treated as attendees)

Without the above mentioned responsible friendly, efficient & dedicated input and actions of the people you could not have had a good South African Experience™.

Only people input & actions can create the good experience for another person as mentioned in all instances above

You cannot be proud or feel good unless you had done something positive or good.

Become a DOER – it doesn`t cost you money but it can definitely make your life easier.


Do you interact with others, nature, business & sport in the same way you want to be interacted with???


This is our purpose –

To show all in South Africa we (all races, young & old, rich & poor) are united in living the mission.

Motivate others to also live the mission.

To show the rest of the world how us South Africans are making South Africa a good place to live in, an exceptional tourist destination and boost international business and investment confidence.

When we go outside again, we want a better world than the world we had before lockdown.